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Company Name: ZealCare
Industry: Healthcare / Life Sciences
Sub-Industry: Digital Health / Health Coaching
Products Purchased: AIR Engage
Partners Involved: CopperHill

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ZealCare offers telehealth services through AIR Engage 

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ZealCare offers support and health coaching for individuals experiencing chronic pain. These services are primarily delivered through online resources and virtual health sessions. 

After weighing options and considering timeline constraints, ZealCare elected to use AIR Engage to offer these virtual health sessions. Here’s why:

  • A Simple, Integrated Platform: AIR Engage is installed inside Salesforce, so users can access a member’s history, schedule, attend, and manage virtual health sessions without switching across multiple applications. 
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Much like the integrated platform benefits, AIR Engage automatically captures meeting data and passes it back into Salesforce. Details like actual start/end times, duration, attendees, and any files shared are stored directly on the appointment. This enables the ZealCare team to take advantage of Salesforce automations, as well as process billing and claims records. 
  • Increased Security and Authentication: ZealCare offers individual and group health coaching sessions, so security is paramount when it comes to ensuring only those invited can attend the sessions. AIR Engage is only accessible behind a Salesforce authentication page for coaches (Health Cloud login) and members (Experience Cloud login).

Customizable Patient Portal

To read more about ZealCare’s Salesforce implementation, read this customer story.

For more information about AIR Engage, please contact us.