Convergence LogoCompany Name: Convergence Telehealth
Industry: Healthcare / Life Sciences
Segment: Providers & Patient Care
Executive Sponsor: Vice President of Operations
Products Purchased: AIR Engage, AIR Connect
Partners Involved: CopperHill

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Convergence improves Telehealth offering with AIR Engage inside Salesforce

Convergence (Telehealth) is a healthcare provider network that expands the services of its partner organizations. Convergence mostly works with skilled nursing facilities, health care systems, self-insured organization employee plans, and Medicare Advantage plans to offer telehealth services to different participant groups. They were using Salesforce to manage support requests and cases, and they were using Zoom and phone calls for virtual appointments. 

Convergence recognized that a better, enhanced telehealth offering would alleviate technology challenges with partners and improve patient care. They signed on to work with our partner, CopperHill Consulting, to simplify telehealth appointments, increase patient security, and eliminate administrative tasks. 

Enhanced Telehealth Offering for Partners

Convergence purchased licenses for our AIR Engage product. It is a fully integrated Telehealth solution inside Salesforce that simplifies virtual meetings, increases security, and enhances productivity. 

Before AIR Engage, providers working with Convergence relied on their own technology to conduct virtual appointments. They primarily used Zoom and phone calls. AIR Engage inside Salesforce gives users a consistent experience. They don’t need to download or manage multiple applications – everything they need is inside Salesforce. 

AIR Engage’s scheduling feature was configured to route appointment and support requests through Salesforce Omni-channel. The team customized rules and logic to consider a provider’s availability, the provider’s specialty or skillset, and the patient’s coverage. This allows for patients to self-schedule appointments, and Omnichannel matches available, covered providers with patients needing care.

This new offering is very intuitive to providers. They simply log on, make themselves available, and accept requests, cases and join appointments as they come in. AIR Engage kicks off an automation that updates the appointment information in Salesforce, including Owner, Provider, Attendees, and other details that can be used for reporting, claims processing, and billing.  

A Better Telehealth Experience for Patients 

Patients now have access to a patient portal powered by Salesforce Communities. In these, patients can view past appointments, join & schedule upcoming Telehealth appointments, and request support. 

AIR Engage and Salesforce Communities ensures patient safety and security. Multi-factor authentication, 256+ encryption, and restrictive permissions keeps this Telehealth solution HIPAA and BAA compliant. 

Convergence can easily offer different patient experiences for patients in different programs by modifying simple configurations. This includes customized branding, support resources, and of course available providers for Telehealth appointments based on the program in which the participant belongs. 

Automated Community User Updates

Convergence leveraged AIR Connect to automatically import, update, or remove participants and enrollees in Convergence’s partner programs. This information is stored in a file on an SFTP site. AIR Connect pulls the file from that location and successfully loads it in Salesforce. Checks for attribute updates, records added, and statuses changed are completed and triggers make the necessary adjustments. 

Convergence is able to eliminate a lot of administrative tasks by automating this process. Using AIR Connect to pull and import the file removes the need to manually check for data discrepancies. AIR Connect automated the process of creating, enabling, and deactivating community users. This saves time and ensures patients have the right access – or no access – to their appropriate patient portals.    

Please contact us if you have any questions related to our Telehealth Solutions. For more information about Convergence Telehealth, please visit